N228BG Grob 103 Twin II

N21QU Schleicher ASK-21

N792TW Grob Twin Astir

N7813 Grob 103 Twin Astir

N65332 Pilatus B4-PC11

The Association currently has five gliders for member use. For performance information, manuals and other glider specific information, check out the links on this page:

Weight and Balance Information

It is important to understand the requirements and restrictions regarding weight and balance. Please check out the following information on that regard:

USA Glider W&B Data – July 2024
Here you can find general weight & balance information as well as specific data for N228BG, N21QU,, N792TW and N7813 in the form of individually tailored loading graphs.

Weight and Balance Calculator
This weight and balance calculator helps you get the load right.

Club Glider FAA Registration Information

Use the following link to follow the FAA registration status of each club glider. Remember to check for the presence of the FAA registration document in the glider prior to flight:

USA Glider Registration Status

Other Interesting Reading:

Please read tips on flying the Grob 103